Check out this month's latest news from Greg...
Dear Customers,
Happy 2022. We appreciate that there are those that, for a variety of reasons, will have a challenging "2022". They remain in our thoughts and we will do what we can to support them. “Support” might be as little as a home delivery and it doesn’t need to be from RL.
We are very touched at how supportive you have all been over the past two years. Hospitality hasn’t been an easy gig. We appreciate the loyalty that it takes to nurse a coffee in a cold shop. We had the heating cranked up but the doors and windows open (Greta has blanked us). Fortunately, hypothermia and a coffee seemed bearable with a “sweet treat”. We sold more slices of Pavlova than ever and in doing so supported Scotland’s weary dentists.
In January 1990 General Manuel Noriega was deposed from Panama by US forces (something to with a canal). The Americans used noise to drive him from his home. Shona is an avid student of Panama’s politics in the 1990’s.
Every working night during 2021 Shona would arrive home to beat more egg whites; the house resonated with the dulcet tones of a Kenwood mixer; “nyiing, nyiing, nyiing” blooming “nyiing” Any complaints from our weary “sommelier”, resting with a glass of red after a stressful day, were met with a doubling in tempo (“nyiing” ++ !!). Kenwood mixers are degrading and inhumane treatment. Hope you enjoyed your Pavlova as our “sommelier” cowers under the worktop with his corkscrew when the mixer starts.
Afternoon teas remained very popular being made with love, care, attention to detail and, you guessed it, “nyiing, nyiing, nyiing” from the mixer.
Our weary “Sommelier” has a dream. He dreams of being able to put a Sunday roast on without finding a Pavlova exercising squatting rights in the main oven.
On the savoury front we ditched baguettes, became too expensive/blockaded at Calais, but we did buy a proper baked potato oven. A slow baked potato day at RL marked by “tonight’s tea” arriving home. Coronation chicken remains a fantastic filling (unless you are chicken and/or monarchy averse).
In 2021 many Kippenites swapped water for Provence Rose; a rose pipeline from Provence to Kippen is now viable. Prosecco remains popular. As it’s becoming popular elsewhere, China, the price of Prosecco is rising. Our wonderful suppliers have kept prices down but £1 a bottle extra on top Proseccos will be unremarkable.
Availability of wine has sometimes been sporadic. One problem encountered, so we have been told, is a global shortage of cardboard packaging. Anyway, a huge thank you to the delivery drivers who cheerfully kept RL supplied.
Sicilian whites and reds remain very popular and tremendous value. The noble reds of Italy (Barolo etc) remain popular. Spanish wines remain popular and are excellent value.
We continue to stock “Mr Galloway’s Claret” being a modestly priced and easy drinking claret. Sadly, Mr Galloway (a much revered customer) died in 2021 but in his memory his Claret will live on. Mr. Galloway’s definition of Claret was not more than 13% ABV.
Will there be wine tastings at RL in 2022? We hope to get a couple organised before the Covid “Zebedee” variant hits on 30th February 2022. Watch this space.
Stay safe, keep eating Pavlova, keep drinking in moderation and double your intake of baked potatoes.
Best Wishes,
Shona, Greg and the team.